The fabricator utilized cut stainless steel on cast-in-place concrete and is halo-lit with Bitro Bantam WW30 modules. To make for an exciting background glow that makes the text more pronounced.
A Combination of Bitro Products can create a sense of place. At this exhibition at FIT New York Resno, RGB modules and Lattice Lightboxes create an incredible gateway to a museum exhibition.
LED lighting should be consistent across large areas. By using top-tier LED chipsets, precision optics, and constant current circuitry lighting LEDs stay uniform on even the largest signs like fifth Third Bank.
Bitro's Lattice area lighting solutions can integrate into interior walls and ceilings as well as the graphic palette of an institution or retail establishment.
Signs have to look the same after one year as they do in the first week. By using the highest quality materials you can be assured that our signs will have the same brightness after thousands of hours of use. That is why Bitro modules were used for both the old and new Late Show signs.
A combination of Bitro Products can create a sense of place. At this exhibition at FIT in New York Resno, RGB modules and Lattice Lightboxes create an incredible gateway to a museum exhibition.